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Hello there!


I'm Xan and I’ve graduated from the University of Bristol. I really enjoyed my course on which I was in the first cohort of students studying for a degree that coupled an academic subject (in my case, History) with Innovation, which provided practical, business-based experience.

During my time at Bristol I worked on a range of projects, both individually and as part of diverse multidisciplinary teams. These projects allowed me to apply Human Centred Design frameworks, Design Thinking and other methodologies to solving real world problems, addressing areas such as the environmental crisis and focusing on the repercussions of loneliness on mental health and wellbeing. These projects saw me work in a variety of roles engaging with clients, turning ideas into action and developing a number of original concepts to create viable sustainable social and commercial enterprises.

I enjoyed working as part of a team and was happy to step up to lead, present and sell. As well as developing valuable skills in getting the best out of the people I worked with, I also honed my ability to critically evaluate my own progress, i.e. learn from my mistakes!

The projects in this portfolio challenged me to be continually on the look-out for inspiration. They developed my research skills and ability to generate ideas that were workable and offered real value to their end users.


I really enjoy making my own animated films and am very interested in UX, design (broadly) and hope to pursue my interests by working in the creative industries.

About: About
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